I've moved!
You can now find me at www.lucky44.com.au for my new website and shop.
I will be selling Stendig Calendars for 2016.
Contact Details
Email - [email protected]
Web - www.lucky44.com.au
so this is me. I'm a bit excited - first day with the keys to my shop. this is someone living the dream! :) hahah
I'm noone really. I've always been crafty and a bit creative. I just decided that I didn't want to regret not having a crack at living the dream - which for me was having my own business and to be surrounded by the things that I love. and I'm doing it. Everyday is awesome. nahhh not everyday, but nearly all of them. I'm so happy and grateful for my lot. I have a beautiful family and husband to be thankful for.
I've recently sold my shop "the lovely bird" and I am embarking on a new adventure in 2015.